Unique identifier: TÁMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0012
Launched in November 2012, the project aims to meet the basic needs of passenger and freight transport systems using more efficient, safer and environmentally friendly solutions, fundamentally through the research and application of advanced infocommunication technologies.
Duration of the project:
November 1, 2012 – October 31, 2014
Leader of the konzorcium:
Széchenyi István University
Partners in the konzorcium:
- Óbudai University Alba Regia University Center
- John von Neumann University
- Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Kft.
Amount of support provided by the European Union and the Hungarian State:950.144.662 Ft
The research activity is organized in six main directions:
- Conceptual research: Systems theory approach to transport, exploration of impact mechanisms, analysis of needs and solutions, with special regard to IKT penetration.
2. Modeling of basic transport processes: Macro- and micro-level approach, computer simulation, control and optimization of real transport processes.
3. Data processing: Management of large data warehouses from fixed and mobile data collection devices, identification of models for management purposes.
4. Governance: Research on centralized and distributed governance mechanisms based on the technological capabilities provided by infocommunication tools.
5. Intervention systems: Research into solutions to support driving and sustainability in vehicles capable of communicating with infrastructure and with each other.
6. Communication cloud: Investigation of communication methods for intelligent vehicles and multi-participant decentralized transport networks, in particular for safety-critical applications
Context between the main directions