JKK Akadémia Előadás címe:
Uncertainty Analysis for Linear Parameter Varying Systems Előadó: Peter J. Seiler
(Assistant Professor, Institute on the Environment Resident Fellow)
Időpont: 2014. július 10., csütörtök, 10:00
Helyszín: Széchenyi István Egyetem (SZE), Járműipari Kutató Központ (JKK)
9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. Inno-Share ép. II. emelet, IS 208 workshop terem
(megközelíthető az „A” tanulmányi épület 1. emeleti átjáróján keresztül)

This talk describes new robustness analysis and synthesis methods for linear parameter varying (LPV) systems. The initial portion of the talk will explain practical applications of LPV systems for modeling/control of wind turbines and flexible aircraft. Next, the existing analysis and controller synthesis conditions are summarized. The remainder of the talk will focus on new results for robustness analysis of LPV systems using integral quadratic constraints (IQCs). IQC analysis theorems can be formulated in the
frequency domain or with a time-domain dissipation inequality. A factorization theorem is used to clarify the connection between the frequency domain and time-domain approaches. Finally, the time domain approach is used to derive new analysis conditions for LPV systems.
Dr. Seiler received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 2001. His graduate research focused on coordinated control of unmanned aerial vehicles and control over wireless networks. From 2004-2008, Dr Seiler worked at the Honeywell Research Labs on various aerospace and automotive applications including the redundancy management system for the Boeing 787, sensor fusion algorithms for automotive active safety systems and re-entry flight control laws for NASA’s Orion vehicle. Since joining the University of Minnesota in 2008, Dr. Seiler has been working on fault-detection methods for safety-critical systems and advanced control techniques for wind turbines.