
Leading European Microelectronics company holds workshop at Széchenyi István University

Infineon Technologies Austria AG, microchip and semiconductor manufacturer, and Széchenyi István University together held a professional workshop for students, teachers-researchers, and for the industry’s partners. The program has showcased the education-research activities covering the most modern of technologies and also highlighted the close cooperative relationship thatthe university establishes with significant economic sector operators.

One of today’s main foundational areas of technological progress is microelectronics and semiconductor manufacturing, where this technology is used in telephones, computers, and even automotive applications. This industry sector’s leading organisations include Infineon, which both develops and produces microcontrollers, semiconducting switch elements, integrated circuits, and transistors.

Last year the company signed a cooperation agreement with the Széchenyi István University, which outlined research topics for the institute’s PhD students, provided scholarship opportunities, and issue multiple placement possiblities for doctoral candidates to do research at the Infineon development center in Villach.

Dr. Fodor Dénes, Széchenyi István University’s Audi Hungaria Faculty of Automotive Engineering’s associate dean for Strategic and Industry Relations, Department of Power Electronics and Electric Propulsion and Vehicle Industry Research Center’s e-Mobilitás scientific leader explained: our relationship started more than a year ago, when the university received an invitation to a large EU project supporting the development of microelectronical competences (IPCEI). The project meeting was held in Villachi, where Dr. Fodor showcased the possible connection points with Széchenyi István University and the existing project program headed by Infineon.

Dr. Fodor Dénes also elucidated that the event was also an opportunity for Infineon’s research engineers to explain and illustrate in detail the high level of their various technology developments and their respecitve industry impact to the students and other workshop attendees. These other professional attendees included engineers from Audi Hungaria Zrt, Robert Bosch Kft., Thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft., Continental Automotive Hungary Kft., and Valeo Siemens eAutomotive Hungary Kft. where they were given first hand information on the global status of microelectronics and power electroincs fields.

Dr. Fodor Dénes (Photo: Májer Csaba József)
At the event several acknowledged professionals in the microelectronics field gave presentations, like dr. Andrew Wood…
…and dr. Gerard Deboy. (Photos: Májer Csaba József)
The workshop has been held in Széchenyi István University’s Management Campus’s conference hall. (Photos: Májer Csaba József)