Széchenyi István University’s innovation ecosystem at ZalaZONE could be interesting to foreign companies and research institutes – emphasized by all the Hungarian Foreign Service Scientific & Technology Attaches at the program, where the university showed the opportunities of the vehicle industry test track and greater laboratory ecosystem and cooperative education center.
Széchenyi István University has an extending infrastructure cluster or campus on one of the most modern vehicle test tracks, ZalaZONE where both the institute’s incubation-startup center and professor-researcher accommodation buildings are already finished, but the lecture hall is still under construction. In the ownership of Széchenyi István University Foundation, the modern complex is an educational, research, development and innovation center which can be interesting to both companies and research institutes alike.
The event was attended by members of the Peking, New Delhi, Seoul, Tel-Aviv, Tokio, Moskva, Paris, London, Berlin and Wien embassies, as well as attaches from the San Francisco, São Paulo, Stuttgart, Munich and New York consulates.
At the event Dr. Lukács Eszter, the university’s Vice-President for International Affairs and Strategic Relationsemphasized: Széchenyi István University’s educational and research programs are present in Győr, Mosonmagyóvár, Zalaegerszeg, and also Budapest. She added that today the approximately 14,000 students are coming from 70 different countries. Both QS and Times Higher Education, two of the most significant international higher education ranking organizations have included the institute within their rankings list. Széchenyi István University is providing 200 hungarian and 40 english languaged eductional tracksprograms. They are also offering a dual training program with Jiaxing University’s civil engineering program in China, Leiria University’s tourism program in Portugal, Rhode Island University’s economic and business school in the USA, and also the a joint program withthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT LinQ Catalyst Europe program is contributing on the healthcare and medical device development and research.
The university’s vice president has also talked about the institute’s having cooperations with more than 3000 international companies, amongst them Audi Hungaria and Audi AG being the most significant.