We had a chance to interview Alexander, a Romanian exchange student at Széchenyi István University. He is participating in a research program and staying in Győr for four weeks at the Vehicle Industry Research Center. If you would like to hear his opinion about the city and the university, read this short interview.
Can you please introduce yourself in a few sentences?
I am Herlea Alexander Emil and I am from Romania. I am studying at the University of Transylvania in the robotics section on an undergraduate program. I am going to finish it next year. I am planning to do a Master’s after that, but I am not sure if I want to study in Romania or in a foreign country.

Why did you choose this research program?
A tutor from my university recommended coming here to me.
Has your teacher already been to Hungary?
As far as I know he teaches here from time to time.
Why did you choose this university?
I had the choice of studying in Romania or going to another country to see the differences. Győr is 12 hours by train from my city, so it is a bit far, but it is worth it to see another country.
What do you like about the city?
I like the Széchenyi Square and the city centre, especially the water causeways – they are pleasant and unique. I have already been around the city centre and I really liked it.
What research program are you doing at the Vehicle Industry Research Center?
I am mainly involved with autonomous car development – the Nissan Leaf. I have already participated in a test with the car at the university and I would also like to go to the ZalaZONE track soon.
Can you tell us a little bit about your future plans?
For now, I plan to finish my undergraduate studies. Then, I will decide if I want to continue with an MSc. I haven’t decided if I want to do a PhD in the future yet.
Would you like to be a researcher or work in the industry?
Last year, I was working in a factory in Romania and it’s very different than the research work here at the Vehicle Industry Research Center. Here you can make your own schedule but you need to keep deadlines strictly, while in a factory, you finish your jobs and you don’t really need to think about it until the next workday.
Are you planning to come back to Hungary?
Yes, for sure, if I have opportunity! I think the University of Győr is a really good place to study. I find that the most interesting places in the university are the laboratories of the SZEngine, Arrabona and SZEnergy racing teams underneath the K0 dormitory. I love the cars there. At my university in Romania, students also build Formula Student cars, so there is something in common between the two universities.

Alex encourages everyone to come and study at Széchenyi István University, because he had a really good time here. His mentors at the Vehicle Industry Research Center helped him to see other perspectives on what he is studying. These experiences can help him to find out what he wants to do in his career.