The SZEngine engine development team was established in 2008 with the support of Audi Hungaria’s Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Audi Hungaria’s Engine Development Department at István Széchenyi University.

The team has a special relationship with the Formula Student race series, where teams of university and college students are tasked with designing and building a single-seat formula-type race car and then performing various static and dynamic races with it.

Teams purchase their engines commercially, which will only be suitable for racing after major modifications. In contrast, SZEngine develops a unique, innovative engine optimized specifically for the strict rules of the race series. Tests and calibrations can be performed both in-vehicle and on the team’s own student-developed engine dynamometer.

Initially, they focused exclusively on engine development, and from 2016 onwards, they started participating in the race series together with another Formula Student team at the university, in cooperation with the Arrabona Racing Team. For SZEngine, the 2019 season was the most successful, as they took the 2nd place in the FS East competition in Hungary and 1st place in the FS Czech Republic competition in the fuel efficiency event.

Team captain: Lilla Lugosi
E-mail address:
Telephone number: +36 20 230 2000