
Vehicle Diagnostics Laboratory

Our researchers accomplish vehicle-measurements and diagnostic examinations in the Vehicle Diagnostics Laboratory: brake measurement, shock absorber measurement, performance measurement, serial diagnostics, diagnostics of hybrid and electric vehicles,...

Autonomous and Intelligent Robots Laboratory

Our researchers develop autonomous vehicles, collaborative systems and the wide spectrum of industrial and service robots. Our main research directions are the intelligent control of robots, man-machine cooperation tasks, sensor...

Electric Motor Testing-bench Examining-laboratory

We examine the electric machines on different power-levels in the Electric Motor Testing-bench Examining-laboratory. The high-performance testing-bench/dynamometer measure until 250 Nm torque-range and 4000 rpm-range by braking machine. The lower-performance...


SZE Research Units Earn Top Honours

The Automotive Industry Research Centre and the Győr Innovation Park of Széchenyi István University have been awarded the title of “Excellent Research Infrastructure”, while the...