
Jedlik high school graduates visit Széchenyi István University

The graduating class from Jedlik Ányos Mechanical Engineering and Informatics Technology College in Győr visited the SZEnergy Team, a organised group of students developing low emission vehicles, including EV’s at Széchenyi István University.

Students from the Jedlik Ányos Technical School in Győr visited Széchenyi István University on the 27th of October. Their visit included a tour of the University Library and Archives where they learned about the activities of the Automotive Research Centre and the SZEnergy Team.

During the presentation, the participants took part in a presentation held by Zoltan Pusztai, the team’s mentor, regarding the history of the SZEnergy team, including last year’s double victory in the world’s largest energy efficiency competition, the Shell Eco-marathon, which was a benchmark and  a world record this year’s competition. The students had the chance to gather further insight into the work of the team’s engineering, electronics, autonomous vehicles, marketing, and management activities.