Unique identifier: TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV-2012-0012
Our goal in this project is to find solutions for the electronics, control technology and control technology of hybrid and electric vehicles that we can offer to the automotive industry. Under the leadership of SZE-Győr, we also set the goal of integration into the international research area, therefore we involve other excellent lecturers and researchers from our partners in the project.
In this way, our research group provides Hungary’s leading automotive research background and also attracts international attention. I am confident that through the success of the project, the university will be able to show excellent results in both education and research, and by 2016 SZE Győr will be one of the three most significant universities in the country with technical education and research programs.
Dr. József Bokor
President of the Vehicle Industry Research Center, professional leader