National research sub-programme – Research on Digital Industrial Technologies at Széchenyi István University
Unique identifier: TKP2021-NKTA-48
Funding amount: 990 000 000 HUF
Funding rate: 100%
Project duration: 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2023.
Project description:
The project objective of the Thematic Programme of Excellence 2021 is to research different Digital Industrial Technologies in the following areas:
Research on virtual reality based systems
Systems and control theory research
Cyber-physical systems research, IPAR 4.0 manufacturing technologies research
Research on validation methods for self-driving vehicles
Research tasks related to the automotive test track
Research on systems for individual and cooperative control of autonomous vehicles
Research on smart and logistics systems
Application of digital techniques in materials technology research
Research on BIG DATA systems
Research on artificial intelligence
The research will create a management support subsystem in the 3D virtual system. The project will create a refined model of the Nissan Leaf test vehicle for dynamic management purposes and will develop observability of manufacturing systems using cyber-physical systems. A reconfigurable HIL/SIL test environment will be built to develop algorithms for autonomous vehicle technologies. During the research period, test methods for the Autonomous System will be developed. The fusion of camera and LIDAR data will be implemented by developing the vehicle environment sensing. The design of hybrid push-pull systems will be linked to the study of the temporal context of on-demand services. 3D digital image analysis techniques will be explored to extend the capabilities to 3D models of metal foams and their simulation techniques. In the field of anomaly detection, related to BIG DATA systems, a model will be created to handle displacements in the vehicle geometry. In artificial intelligence based decision support systems, analysis results are generated.